the bridge in hospital de orbigo

Day 20 – La Virgen Del Camino to Hospital de Orbigo

A Kitten Attempts Yoga

Some sort of switch has flipped and it is no longer ‘nice and cool’ in the mornings, it is COLD! I remembered to keep my jacket on when I left this morning, but with only shorts on, I was still pretty chilled!

There was some navigation to an alternate route required this morning, and since it was dark I decided to just use my GPS files on my phone. Turns out that whoever recorded the GPS track got a little lost! I did some minor moon-lit bushwhacking through fields, past neat cellars built into the hills. Eventually GPS man (and therefore me) both found our way back to the route.

I walked 14km, the sun was now very up and it was still cold!!! I stopped for a coffee mostly just to warm my hands. I’m not complaining, I was just surprised!

The last 15km to Hospital were fine, long, straight dirt roads. It finally did warm up… But it just went straight to hot! Well, hot in the sun, cold in the shade.


I’m staying at Albergue Verde, which has a rad vibe. There are massages, grass, hammocks, and yoga. The yoga class was led by a man who was once a pilgrim, but got ‘stuck’ here in his way, and is now a volunteer. There was a teeny tiny kitten bounding around in the grass during the class, jumping on people and being cute.

Dinner was prepared by the hosts, completely vegan and provided by donation. It was suuuuppppper delicious. There were songs and guitars while we ate. Very relaxing.

Reflections one year later….

I really appreciated my guidebook as it had good information about the ‘alternate’ routes that were available. I liked having choices. I usually read about the ‘next day’ in bed before going to sleep. Very fun!