people soaking their feet in the pool in Logrono

Day 7 – Torres Del Rio to Logrono

Finally, some grass to lay in!

The first section today was 12km that reminded me a lot of the landscape in New Mexico. Steep ‘washes’ with steep climbing and descending. I arrived in Viana by 8:30AM and went in search of coffee. I bypassed a few cafes, but the town was pretty quiet. I finally decided on a cafe and stepped inside to find Kailey and her Mom, Beth! What a pleasant surprise. They were taking a rest day in Viana.

I continued walking to Logrono.

The walking was pleasant for some time, but then turned very industrial. It was not so pleasant for the last 6km into town. I found the municipal Albergue but it was 1 hour before it opened. There was a foot soaking pool in the courtyard though! At that moment, Victor, whom was on the bunk above me on my first night, showed up! We went for a coffee while we waited for opening time.

After checking in, we decided to go to the fancy food street area (Calle Laurel) to look for a late lunch. The street doesn’t really come alive until about 9pm for Tapas, but we were hungry! Back at the Albergue, Ruth showed up! Grand reunion! We went to find a park and I finally found some GRASS to lay in. Life is good.

We waited for the correct time, and then headed back to the food street to check it out. It was indeed alive with wine and Tapas by 9pm!

I’m in bed late tonight but it was nice to explore the city!