Experimental Cooking and Birthdays
I walked through Logrono in the dark, enjoying the quiet in the city. It is kind of eerie to walk through such densely urban places but to have them feel quiet and silent, like I’m way out in the wilderness. It is fleeting though. Noise picked up quickly. I caught up with a Belgian and a Danish man who I walked with for a while. I walked through a beautiful lake area with a park. It seemed to take no time at all to get to Navarette, 13km away. I wasn’t feeling particularly social, so I got a coffee and drank it by myself at a cafe.
I wandered through the church in town, as it had a beautiful golden feature. There was a map on the wall for ‘where are you from?’ so I took a picture of Eastern Canada, which you couldn’t even see through the tags!
I am very much in wine country.
The entire walk was through vineyards. I ended up walking almost entirely alone and in silence today, for nearly 30km. I reached Najera, and found an Albergue. It had a full kitchen, so I went to the store for groceries.
Time is something I have a lot of…I seem to finish walking between noon and 3:00PM, and then I have all afternoon to spend. I chose to buy raw, whole squid and learn how to prepare it. I made a delicious pasta. I was going to walk to the river and write in my journal and stretch, but I ran into some Australians I had met in Logrono. It was Caitlin’s birthday so I joined them for dinner. Caitlin is walking with her mom, Kathy. They are all very kind people.